What is Forest School?

Forest Schools, Nature Preschools, and Forest Kindergartens are all programs designed to provide immersive nature experiences for young children in which they can explore the world through hands-on play in all weather.

The concept of a “Forest Kindergarten” originated in Denmark in the 1950s and spread throughout Europe as others quickly realized the benefits of having children under age seven outdoors most of the day: strong social skills, self-confidence, as well as increased cognitive and physical development.  This movement gained momentum in Germany in the 1960s and today they boast the world’s most established formal forest kindergarten program, with over 700 forest kindergartens in the country. Afterwards, it expanded across the United Kingdom and Canada, and ultimately into the USA, Asia, and Australia. The ever-growing forest school movement in the US can often be attributed to, “Last Child in the Woods,” a book by Richard Louv, which highlights the indisputable benefits of a childhood lived outdoors.

Our Forest School Program

Tuesdays Wednesdays Thursdays 9 am-1pm

Ages 3 to 7 years old

Sandy Hook’s Horseshoe Cove and Fair Haven Fields Natural Area

Outdoors in all Weather


Typical Morning

9am Arrival and Greetings

Each day we begin with morning greetings and host a conversation around our observations of the natural space

9:10 Hike in and Free Play

Adventure, imaginative play, exploring, building, observations as we make our way to base camp and set up for the day

10 Snack and Stories 

Picture books based on the children’s interest are read and snacks are eaten as conversation ensues based on the question of the day

10:30-12 Self-Directed Play

The children engage with invitations based on emergent curriculum: tools to catch critters, build creations, paintings to ponder etc which are unique to each environment

12 Lunch

We eat on blankets on the ground, providing the children with the chance to eat in a relaxed manner while still exercising natural movement. 

12:30-1 Story of the Day

The children are invited to examine treasures that have been found and to share about their day’s adventure. We encourage them to capture their memories and gratitude in their nature journals and share their highs and lows to bring calm and closure to our day.

1pm Pick-up


Our Activities

In the forest or at the bay, any or all of the following activities are enjoyed:

  • climbing fallen trees

  • identifying animals

  • building forts

  • using a net

  • creating art work

  • identifying plants

  • finding bugs

  • collecting rocks

  • observing patterns and changes

  • using a magnifying glass

  • making towers

  • designing and floating boats



We are currently offering a 1, 2 or 3 day per week option, with the option to grow along with our community to 4 or 5 days, as needed.

The cost is $65 per day per child.

Enrollment will be by season:

Fall: September-December

Winter: January-March

Spring: April-June

Summer: July-August